Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nay: Organic Kosher Pickles

Pickles are good. I like almost them in almost any shape, size or flavor. I especially like a vinegary, sour pickle. These Trader Joe's Organic Kosher Sandwich Pickles are okay, but ultimately left me a little disappointed.

Since there are none left, I can't totally toss these off.  They do give you that trademark stinging jolt of vinegar upfront, and then the crisp snap of cucumber.  But then the aftertaste turns a bit odd.  I'm not sure if that is due to it being organic or what, but the flavoring just wasn't there for me.  I think I will be sticking to the RGC in the pickle department while continuing explorations for a homemade recipe.

These notes are based on eating them plain, by themselves.  I also tried them on a sandwich, since they are pre-sliced with the intention of going there, and the odd aftertaste was much less noticeable.  They cost $2.99 for a jar, so if you're in a pickle (HA!), pick up the TJ's Koshers, but if you have the time and want a real, classic pickle taste, I'd say nay.

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