Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nay: Organic Kosher Pickles

Pickles are good. I like almost them in almost any shape, size or flavor. I especially like a vinegary, sour pickle. These Trader Joe's Organic Kosher Sandwich Pickles are okay, but ultimately left me a little disappointed.

Since there are none left, I can't totally toss these off.  They do give you that trademark stinging jolt of vinegar upfront, and then the crisp snap of cucumber.  But then the aftertaste turns a bit odd.  I'm not sure if that is due to it being organic or what, but the flavoring just wasn't there for me.  I think I will be sticking to the RGC in the pickle department while continuing explorations for a homemade recipe.

These notes are based on eating them plain, by themselves.  I also tried them on a sandwich, since they are pre-sliced with the intention of going there, and the odd aftertaste was much less noticeable.  They cost $2.99 for a jar, so if you're in a pickle (HA!), pick up the TJ's Koshers, but if you have the time and want a real, classic pickle taste, I'd say nay.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Yay: Mini Pearl Grape Tomatoes

I normally don't get very much produce from Trader Joe's.  The selection can be a little thin and the prices aren't all that great.  Also weighing against it is the fact that there is a great, cheap produce market not too far away.  But even that market comes up short sometimes, and I've found a few reliables at TJ's.

One of the standouts seems to be the Mini Pearl Grape Tomatoes. Even in the off-season, these tomatoes are almost always in pretty good shape.  They're bite-sized and make a great snack or addition to salads.  At $2.49/package, I think they're also a little cheaper than you'd find at a regular grocery store. (Can I abbreviate that with RGC? Let me know in "Comments")

As I write this, I do notice that this batch is oddly large.  They are typically the size of an average grape, but these are almost the size of clementines.  Still, they're pretty fresh and juicy....considering its the middle of January in Chicago.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yay: Organic Pea Shoots

I was actually looking for alfalfa sprouts when I was informed by a TJ's employee that they aren't carried there.  In looking for a substitute, I found these Organic Pea Shoots. 

They cost $2.49 for a seemingly never-ending 4oz. package.  So far, they've proved to be on of the most versatile products I've ever purchased from TJ's.  I've mixed them in with salads, used them as a topping on a portabella mushroom burger, and garnished a plate of au gratin potatoes. 

In each case, they gave that extra little touch to turn a ho-hum meal into something a little more exciting.  And that's what this is all about....Finding those little touches that are worth buying. 

Please share any other uses you've found for Organic Pea Shoots, by posting a comment below.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Yay: Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels

These bite-sized pillows of pretzel are filled with peanut butter and are extremely addictive. 

There really isn't too much more to say about them.  If that doesn't pretzels and peanut butter doesn't get you excited, I don't think there's anything I can say to convince you. 

$3.29 is on the higher end for TJ's, but is still way cheaper than snacks at the regular store, so this is a staple in our basket. There is also an alternative in a red package, in which the pretzels are unsalted.

Nay: 2010 Vintage Ale

This pint of "Dark Ale Brewed with Spices" was featured in a precariously stacked endcap at the front of the store around the holidays. As of yesterday, the stack hadn't diminished much but had been moved towards the back. 

I myself have tried it twice now and am still somewhat on the fence.  It is fairly strong at 9% alc./vol. so the flavor is similarily strong.  I tend to like these kinds of beers, but I thought that the spices were a little heavy handed in this one.  However, that also tends to work with the scents and foods of the holidays, so this may be a nice a choice for trimming the tree on a Saturday afternoon. 

The display sign has an additional note reading "Ages Well".  Don't let it age too long though. 
Seems that it expires in just under two years. 

Final Judgement: At $4.99, its not a terrible shot to the wallet.  But if I were to go in to grab a pint at TJ's, I would probably look at the Ommengang Brewery line which runs about a dollar more.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Suggestions Post

Comment here for suggestions of products to review, or with your own Yay or Nay reviews

Feature Added: Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down -- Please Click Them!

Thumbs Up and Down buttons have been added to bottom of all of the posts.

Please use these to mark whether or not you agree with the Yay or Nay status given by the author.
It's simple to click and can be a very useful tool in keeping it real.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

YAY! - French Onion Soup (Freezer)

French Onion soup is really best when its homemade, but I don't always have time to make it from scratch or head to a local bistro.  This freezer section item is a perfect, easy solution when you need to feed that craving for melted cheese and oniony, beefy, broth.  2 per package / about $5

Preparation couldn't be simpler.  Cut open the package and drop the frozen cylinder into an oven-safe soup bowl (I've used a pyrex measuring cup in a bind).  Stick it into a 400° oven for about 40-minutes, take out and cool, and enjoy.

Welcome To TJay's Yay or Nay

This blog is dedicated to the products of the grocery store chain, Trader Joe's. 
(Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Trader Joe's in any way. )

I love the store.  Certain things are fantastic from Trader Joe's, and I always find new and interesting products, but I've also come to accept that it can be hit or miss.  Sometimes items are better to get at a more standard grocery story, and some of those interesting finds leave me wanting a little more.

So, I wanted to create a a place where people could share their own opinions and hopefully we can all benefit from the shared knowledge. 

To start off, I plan to post featured individual product reviews that I either love or hate.  Please feel free to comment whether you agree or disagree, but also please keep it on-topic and avoid any personal insults, etc.
(Disclaimer:  I reserve the right to delete any comments that I find to be disruptive or )